Marketing Requests2018-09-07T23:34:20-04:00

Marketing Sponsorships

We appreciate your interest in working with Humimic Medical. Our sponsorship evaluation process is decentralized, with decisions being made primarily at the local levels of the organization. As a result, we are able to better determine the unique needs of each market we serve.

If your request is for a 501(c) (3) organization (i.e. benefiting a non-profit organization) and/or you are seeking a grant. We know that our long-term success is directly linked to the success of our customers and the communities we serve. Through a combination of strategic relationships with local and national nonprofits, grants, volunteer activities, and other community investments, we’re creating solutions that help strengthen the communities in which we operate and grow local economies around the world.

Submit a marketing sponsorship proposal

When you submit a marketing sponsorship proposal, leave as much time between your submission and the event date as possible. This will improve the likelihood that we can participate. The larger the proposal, the more lead time we may require.

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